The M.A English Literature syllabus aims at providing the students with an in-depth understanding of the core aspects of English Literature as well as a comprehensive background to its history and traditions of reception. The core content of the syllabus follows a Genre classification with 5 credits for each course. The syllabus has sixteen courses totalling 80 credits. 50 credits come from 10 core courses while 30 credits come from 6 optional courses of which 2 courses are from outside the department and 4 from the department. Optionals offered are designed in keeping with the UGC CBCS guidelines, giving the students the option of choosing their electives from among a variety of courses. Each core course is divided into three units; the first unit is meant to introduce the students the background, literary traditions, movements and important genres of the period. The second unit provides a list of prescribed texts for detailed study while the third unit is meant for self study. The students are required to make a seminar presentation from the list of self study texts. The seminar presentation shall be considered for internal evaluation.
Note: The detailed core courses with texts and reading lists are provided in the syllabus. The texts for all optional courses and their reading lists will be given to the students at the beginning of the semester after the courses for the semester are announced.
Course Types:
Total number of courses: 16 (16×5=80 credits)
Core Courses (10)
Courses from other Departments (2)
Optional Courses offered by the Department
Optional Elective Courses (2)
Open Electives Courses(2)
A) The Core Courses offered are:
ELCP 01- Poetry-I: 16-18 Century Poetry
ELCP 02- Drama-I: 16-18 Century Drama
ELCP 03- Prose and Fiction-I: 16-18 Century
ELCP 04 -Poetry-II: Romantic and Victorian
ELCP 05-Drama-II: 19-20 Century
ELCP 06- Prose and Fiction-II: 19th Century
ELCP 07- Literary Criticism and Theory-I
ELCP 08- Poetry-III: 20th Century
ELCP 09- Prose and Fiction-III
ELCP 10- Literary Criticism and Theory-II
B) Courses from other Departments (2):
As part of the CBCS guidelines, courses offered by other department/s are to encourage interdepartmental and interdisciplinary studies, and to facilitate credit distribution among departments. Students shall take TWO optional courses offered by other departments. These courses shall be spread across two semesters (first and second semesters as of now).
The following optional courses are on offer now:
EL ODP 01: Teaching Literature
EL ODP 02: Language and Literature
EL ODP 03: Visual Cultures: Visual and Verbal/Digital Humanities
EL ODP 04: Film Studies
EL ODP 05: Ecology and Literature
C) Optional Electives (Special Papers):
Optional elective courses are offered to help students to have specialised study in a chosen field such as American Literature or Indian Literatures (including selections from IWE) etc. This list is indicative not exhaustive. Students may offer two optional courses from a select number of curses spread across two semesters (third and fourth semesters as of now). A student who chooses Option- I from the list shall take Optional-II and complete the course. The courses accordingly are given in pairs.
ELO-01: Greek Tragedy
ELO-2: Shakespeare Today
ELO-03: Indian Literatures -I: Selections from IWE and Indian Writings in English Translation
ELO-04: Indian Literatures-II: Women’s, Dalit and Tribal Writings
ELO-05: World Literature-I
ELO-06: World Literature-II
ELO-07: American Literature-I
ELO-08: American Literature-II
ELO-09: New Humanities
ELO-10: Postcolonial Literatures
ELO-11: Nation and Narration
ELO-12: Literary Cultures of India (Having a component on Indian Intellectual Traditions)
D) Open Electives:
Open Electives are optional courses offered by the faculty of the department to help students explore specific areas of inquiry of their choice and help them pursue intensive studies of literary and cultural thematics. Students may offer TWO open elective courses from the list below offered by the Department, normally spread across two semesters (third and fourth as of now).
ELOE-01: The Novel and the City
ELOE-02: Critical Humanities
ELOE-03: Text and Performance
ELOE-04: English in India
ELOE-05: Indian Poetics
ELOE-06: Indian Classical Poetic Tradition
ELOE-07: Time and Narrative
ELOE-08: Emerging Literatures of India
ELOE-09: Life Writing
ELOE-10: African-American Literature
(Note: New courses may be added to the list under report to the members of BoS, according to the teacher’s expertise, from time to time).